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NOW - National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology


Last update:

NOW GmbH (National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology) is responsible for the coordination and management of the National Innovation Programme for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NIP) and the Electromobility Model Regions programme of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure of Germany (BMVI).

In addition, NOW also supports the BMVI in the continued development of the Mobility and Fuel Strategy as well as for the implementation of EU Directive 2014/94/EU on the development of alternative fuels infrastructure (CPT).

The primary task of NOW is to initiate and evaluate projects and to bundle these in an appropriate manner – for example in terms of geographic regions and/or thematic aspects – in order to exploit the potential to achieve as many synergies as possible.

In addition, NOW also takes cross-cutting themes into account. These incorporate subjects such as production technology, education and training, communication at the interface of government, industry and science, as well as public relations in order to raise the public profile of these technologies and related products, along with international cooperation.

